Friday, March 5, 2010

What is WAHM Cook about Anway?

So you maybe wondering what is this blog all about? Well I am a WAHM and I like to call myself the WAHM Cook!

I have been working from home since 2006 and while I have the luxury of working in my PJ's life is very hectic with two kids! Working full time from home and raising a family does not mean that dinner is always easy! Let's face it. If you are a SAHM you are still trying to find out how to balance getting everything done and the number one area is always dinner!

"Mom, What's for Dinner?"

Those are the words that ring in your ears as you realize that you have nothing started, it is now 4:45 pm and you have a freezer full of chicken breasts or a solid chunk of ground meat! Your solution maybe to pop a frozen pizza in the oven, cook pasta AGAIN, or worse yet, go out to eat or order in costing you more money.

I'm here to help you get balance in kitchen while you work at home! I'll share with you tips and tricks to better meal preperation, saving time and making sure you have a backup plan that doesn't involve the pocket book!

And no this advice is not full of OAMC (once a month cooking) ideas either. Although freezer cooking is part of my plan, you do not need to spend a 3 day marathon of cooking to have dinner at the ready the rest of the month!

I'm not a health nut either, so if you are looking for something that is uber healthy, then this blog is NOT for you! I will give you yummy tasting recipes without regard of the fat content! Let's face it, we need our kids to eat this stuff so it has to taste good!

Well I hope you enjoy your time on my blog and that you get some tips that are easy and make your WAHM life more balanced!

Happy Cooking!


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